Reading Community City Schools Board of Education

Front Row: Mrs. Alycia Bemmes, Board President, Mrs. Beth Wernery.

Back Row: Vice President, Mrs. Amy Thamann, Mr. Jim Perdue, and Mrs. Crystal Menner.

Mission Statement

The Reading Community City School District strives to provide excellence in education that inspires and empowers our leaders of tomorrow
Vision Statements
  • Adopt Board policies to best serve our students to become life-long learners;
  • Provide the Superintendent and Treasurer/CFO with sufficient and adequate guidelines for implementing Board policies;
  • Guide the Superintendent and Treasurer/CFO with adequate information and expectations to make fiscally responsible decisions;
  • Maintain effective communication with the community, staff and students;
  • Conduct Board business openly, encouraging involvement in the decision-making process by the public, staff and students
Belief Statements
The Reading Board of Education members believe:
  • We will agree to always put students' interest first.
  • We will respect the confidentiality of privileged information.
  • We will share our views respectfully working for consensus and will abide by the major decision of the Board.
  • We will make no personal promises nor take private action that might compromise the Board or administration.
  • We will represent all school district constituents honestly and equally, refusing to surrender our responsibilities to special interest or partisan political groups.
  • We will actively listen to the constituents who address us personally but then follow the "Chain of Command" identified in Board policy.
  • We will respect and foster relationships with all members of the Board while recognizing each member's strength and diversity.
  • We will be fair, just, and impartial, basing our decisions on fact rather than supposition, opinions, or public favor.
  • We will strive for a positive working relationship with the Superintendent and Treasurer/CFO, honoring their respective authority to advise the Board, implement board policy and administer the district.