Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment Students


New Open Enrollment Students - The Open Enrollment window will begin on April 1st.


Application forms for new open-enrollment students will be accepted for  Kindergarten through Grade 12.

Open enrollment link: 2024-2025 OPEN ENROLLMENT APPLICATION 


A separate application form must be submitted for each student requesting admittance for inter-district open enrollment.

Applications will be date and time-stamped when they are received and processed in the following order:

  • Students currently attending the Reading Community School District in open enrollment from any other district in the State of Ohio in the current school year.

  • Students of the same family unit (brothers and sisters) of students who attend the Reading School District in open enrollment from any other district in the State of Ohio in the current school year.

  • School-age children of full-time employees in contiguous or non-contiguous school districts.

  • First-time student applicants for the coming school year. 
Open enrollment closes May 14th.


For More Information
If you have questions regarding open enrollment, please call Kim Blair at 842-5109 or email at [email protected]. We will be responding to voicemails and emails between the hours of 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday-Friday